Why to create your Family tree?

At a certain point, however, the information that we can collect on our own runs out: the reasons can be many. For example, if our ancestors emigrated from cities and regions far from where we live, it can be difficult to carry out these searches in the municipalities of origin. You can therefore turn to other subjects: there are in fact very important Genealogical Research Studies in Italy that carry out this type of investigation by exploiting enormous archives accumulated over the decades. These searches are paid as they require considerable effort in terms of both time and resources.

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Alternatively, there are some websites that have similarly collected huge amounts of data from public registers: even in this case you have to pay to take advantage of these services, but some preliminary information may be free. One of these sites is Ancestry.com where you can also find information on ancestors or relatives who emigrated abroad.
With Ancestry, you can create your own family tree Once we have collected all the information we have to organize them: in this regard, there is software that allows you to intuitively create the tree by simply entering the information we have collected. The software also allows you to add information cards to each subject by also inserting images or videos.

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